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Learn to create picture puzzle using trigger animation effect in PowerPoint. Make your training courses interactive using this useful technique.
Use of trigger animation in PowerPoint
When you run a training session, sometimes you wonder if your participants have ‘got’ what you taught. The only way to know is to ask them. That is when quizzes come in handy.
What if you could make your quiz into an interesting explorative game? In this article, you will learn how to create a picture puzzle in PowerPoint to make your quiz sessions entertaining and educational.
Here is the picture puzzle you’ll learn to create:
Take a look at the slide with the animation:

Each of the puzzle pieces fades out on click to reveal the underlying picture. Here is how you use the picture puzzle to conduct a quiz for your participants:
- You divide the set of participants into three teams
- Each team gets to answer 4 questions. They can choose the question number they want to answer
- If they answer correctly, they get to click on the number to reveal that part of the picture
- The team that names the celebrity in the picture first wins bonus points
Let us see how to set up the slide in a step by step way.
Step 1: Set up the jig saw puzzle
You can draw shapes that interlock into each other to create the jig saw puzzle. Or you may simply create a 4 X 3 square grid to create the cover. Write numbers on each of the squares for easy identification.
Place a picture that fits behind the grid. This is the picture that would get revealed when the pieces on top of them get faded out. Assign a question to each of the 12 pieces.
Step 2: Name the square pieces
The next step is to name the individual pieces in an easily recognizable way. For this, go to selection pane located on the top right corner of the PowerPoint ribbon:
Click on each of the pieces and change the name in the pane by double clicking on the name. Here is an example of how we named our grid.
This step is quite useful to get the trigger animation in PowerPoint correct.
Related: Create quiz with animation
Step 3: Set up the trigger animation
Select both puzzle piece 1 and the number 1. Go to custom animation pane and choose exit effect -> Fade -> Fast. This makes both the piece and the number to fade out on click. The next step is to change the effect slightly. We don’t want the piece and the number to fade out on any random click on the slide. We want them to fade out only when the relevant puzzle piece is clicked.
So, go to animation pane. Select both the animations and click on the small arrow on the right corner to go to ‘Timing’. Go to Triggers -> Start effect on click of -> Select the shape with relevant name (this is why we named the pieces in Step 2). For example, piece 1 and number 1 fade on click of piece 1.
Do the same for the rest of the pieces. Once done, you will be ready to conduct an interactive quiz and keep your audience involved.
Related: Using Power of Wipe animation effects
Smart option for busy presenters:
It takes a lot of time and effort to create professional quality custom animated slides for your business slides. Most business presenters don’t have the time to create such high quality slides for themselves. That is why we came up with our ‘750+ Advanced Animation Templates for PowerPoint’.
Here are some examples of interesting animation effects from the pack:

Source: Models from Advanced Animation Templates Pack
The pack has graphics, concepts and models that are professionally animated keeping a business presenter in mind. Just choose the template, replace the sample text with your own text and your animated slides get ready in no time. Since we built our slides entirely using PowerPoint, you can customize every aspect of the templates to suit your need. You can even pick and stick animated elements from different slides to create your own slides.
Why waste time creating your animated slides from scratch for your business presentations? Please browse through our animated templates collection to see how the pack can change the way you create your business presentations forever. Browse the templates here >>
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