Graphs Showing Performance Against set Range

Part of : 320+ Visual PowerPoint Graphs Pack

Widest Variety of Data-Driven Graphs & Infographics for PowerPoint


Performance Comparison to a Defined Target Range

Performance Comparison to a Defined Target Range


These Performance charts helps you show the data points that fall within a preferred range and those that don’t. You can change the width and range of the band. There are graphs with multiple bands, which can be used to showcase poor, average and excellent performances.

Audience get a quick view of the performance points that need attention. The band gives a clear context to the numbers. These are useful in any Marketing, Manufacturing, Education related presentations as they show forecast or targets vs actual achievement.

2 PowerPoint Graphs showing Performance vs Preferred Range

Performance vs Preferred RangeActual vs Forecast Range

4 Different Performance Bands and Achievements

4 Different Performance Bands

3 Performance Bands and Achievements

3 Performance Bands and Achievements

Minimum & Maximum Performance & Preferred Range Highlighted

Minimum and Maximum Performance and Preferred Range Highlighted

Graph in PowerPoint showing Merit Grading as Per Preset Parameters

Merit Grading as Per Preset Parameters

Note: All the bands, descriptions, grades can be changed in the worksheet.

Related Templates from Graphs Pack:

Sales Reporting Charts

Sales Reporting Charts

Performance Across Quarters

Performance Across Quarters


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