Learn about Indirect function in Excel and about how to use Indirect function with Vlookup.
Use this function to create a reference that won't change even if a row or a column is inserted in the worksheet.
Understanding Indirect Function
In this video you will find:
1. What is indirect function?
2. Example of using indirect function
3. Creating named ranges to work with indirect function
4. Converting a cell to a librarian and using it as an indirect formula to complete multiple sum functions
Combining Indirect & Vlookup Functions
Follow this step by step Advanced Excel tutorial to learn how to use the Vlookup function with Indirect function. Find data in arrays easily using this combination.
In this video you will find:
1. How to create data validation lists
2. How to create Named Ranges
3. The issue with just using Vlookup function
4. Adding Indirect function to get the data required to be looked up
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