Home > Presentation Tips> How to Video Conference
Sometimes presenters are expected to present over voice or video conferencing. They find the experience very different and difficult as response is not instantaneous like a live audience.
Also, there are far more chances of technical glitches that make it challenging.
Here is the step-by-step process of how such presentations can be made more effective.

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Related: Expert Ellen Finkelstein on Presentation on Web
You can read detailed presentation transcript below.
Better Virtual Presentations – Presentation Transcript
- VIRTUAL PRESENTATIONS Working with Video / Voice conferencing
- Imagine making a business presentation…
- Where your audience is standing behind a wall
- It is frustrating on both sides!
- This is exactly what happens when we communicate over video or phone or chat conference
- The presenter: Cannot see audience reaction
- For the audience : it is just a boring voice or video
- This happens as…
- …parts of our usual communication is missing 2-way Interaction Reactions Body Language Eye Contact
- Minimal Rule The only way to make a successful virtual presentations is to ENGAGE audiences continuously
- Engaging audiences includes…
- Setting up offline
- Using multiple modes of communication
- Allocating time for interaction
- Using voice effectively
- Sticking to schedule
- Let us see each point in detail…
- 1. Set up offline Get to the conference early and test all equipment on both sides
- Time spent adjusting equipment is very boring for the audience
- Mute cell phone and switch off other distractions
- 2. Use Multiple Modes of Communication
- Email the presentation ahead of time A visual slide will add more impact to such a presentation!
- 3. Allocate time for interaction Presentation Questions Opinions Polls
- Since people cannot see each other…
- …they speak at the same time and the presenter becomes confused
- Allocate time for each person and pause between points for questions
- Enforce interaction every 3 minutes. Ask questions, conduct an online poll etc!
- 4. Use voice effectively Enthusiasm in your voice is the key to a more engaged audience
- Tip: To appear natural, make someone sit in the room same room and present to them
- 5. Create schedule Topic 1 Introduction Topic 2 … and stick to the time limit set Questions Call to action
- Take other discussions to other modes like emails, one-to-one calls, etc
- Finally, a conference call does not end the presentation…
- Follow up with minutes of meeting to confirm understanding on both sides
- The minutes should contain…
- Presentation highlights
- Answers to questions
- Decision taken
- To recap…
- Engage your audiences more by…
- Setting up offline
- Using multiple modes of communication
- Giving time for interaction
- Using voice effectively
- Sticking to schedule
- Send Minutes of meeting
- Make your next virtual presentation a powerful one!
- This presentation was made with Minimal™ Approach.