Home > Presentation Ideas > Presentation Graphics > Hexagon in PowerPoint
Find some creative uses of 6 sided hexagon shape in PowerPoint for your business presentations. Get inspired to come up with your own variations.
A quick word about hexagon in PowerPoint:
Hexagon is a polygon with 6 sides. You can find the shape under ‘Basic shapes’ in auto shapes option.

Here are some basic variations of the shape in 2D and 3D.

Let us see how to use these simple shape variations creatively for our business presentations.
1. Use the 6 sides to represent 6 factors:
The basic and obvious use of a hexagon is to represent 6 related factors in a concept. You can write relevant text on the 6 sides to create a simple diagram. In the following example, we used the idea to represent a cyclic process:

You can also choose to include a diagram in the centre of the shape to add a second level meaning to your concept diagram. Here is an example of the idea:

Source: PowerPoint Models from CEO Pack 2
2. Place items around the shape
You can also use the 6 sides to place items around the shape. Here is an example of the idea:

The item you place around a hexagon can be a hexagon itself. Take a look at the following example:
3. Use the shape to create cluster diagram
The symmetrical shape of the polygon lends itself easily to create useful diagrams like cluster diagram as shown below:

Here is a 3D variation of the same diagram:

Source: Cluster Models from CEO Pack 2
4. Use the shape to create a puzzle
You can use ‘Shape combine’ and ‘Shape subtract’ options available in PowerPoint 2010 to create puzzles using hexagon. Here is an example of a puzzle created using hexagonal shape:

Here is a more elaborate puzzle created by arranging hexagons around hexagons:
Source: Puzzle Diagrams from PowerPoint CEO Pack 2
All the professional diagrams in this article are taken from PowerPoint Graphics and Concepts CEO Pack 2. Diagrams like these have the power to grab and hold your audience interest. However, it takes a lot of time and effort to create such high quality graphics from scratch. That is why we created this the with 815+ unique and fully editable diagram templates. Just copy and paste the template to create professional business slides in minutes. Please browse through our diagrams collection here to know more >>
5. Use the shape in concept diagrams
You can use the shape in some useful concept diagrams. We used the shape to represent the concept of ‘Adding a new element into the system’:

When you play around with the ‘Shape union’ options in PowerPoint 2010, by setting up a quick access toolbar, you can use the shape as an interesting design element to mark events along timelines as shown below:
Source: Bullet point alternatives from CEO Pack 2
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Related: Innovative PowerPoint Triangle for diagrams